Ask Suzy Cohen
By Suzy Cohen, R.Ph., Lifescript Pharmacist
Published April 23, 2011
Dear Suzy Cohen,
My dad used to eat almonds all the time, because he said it helped with his headaches and joint pain. I inherited this condition, and I’m not sure if they work but I eat them once a week. Is there any medicinal truth to the almond folklore?
-C.P., Portland, Ore.
Research suggests that nuts are good for pain relief. Almonds, for example, contain salicin which, when consumed, forms salicylic acid, the primary by-product of aspirin metabolization. This is why your dad feels better eating them.
In anecdotal evidence, some headache sufferers claimed that eating almonds daily has a cumulative effect. Regular headaches might become less severe and/or disappear gradually with regular consumption of almonds. Over time, eating 10-15 almonds per day might give you relief from that jackhammer in your head.
I say “might” because some people are allergic to salicin. So if your throat itches, or tongue and lips swell whenever you eat almonds, then avoid the nuts.
Besides the natural pain pacifier, almonds are rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps increase muscle relaxation. They provide even higher amounts of vitamin E, potassium and manganese, and a bit of copper, riboflavin, zinc and phosphorous.
Even though a quarter cup of almonds contains 18 grams of fat, 11 of those are the heart-healthy monounsaturated kind.
Emerging research suggests that eating almonds doesn’t result in weight gain, and may even contribute to weight loss because of the nuts’ tendency to cause a feeling of fullness after eating them.
So next time you feel a headache coming on, go ahead and get a little nutty with almonds. You can make or buy commercially prepared almond butter. Almond butter is a healthier (and tastier, I think) alternative to peanut butter. It also seems to be less allergenic than peanuts.
So that's why I can eat all the almonds I want. But not cashew nuts. Cashew nuts trigger my severe migraines. As in a week of delibitating pain.
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