Sunday, February 27, 2011


The Healthy Alternative
By Dr. Mehmet Oz
Oprah Radio  |  October 17, 2006

Is it possible to live to be 100 with the vigor and vitality of a 20-something? Dr. Oz explores that question with longtime friend and alternative heath expert Dr. Andrew Weil. Drawing from Eastern medicine and alternative medical practices, Dr. Weil says you can stave-off sickness, improve your health and live longer.

Here are just a few of Dr. Weil's tips to combat a cold:

    * Wash your hands frequently—it's still one of the best ways to fight off colds, especially during the cold and flu season.

    * Eat plenty of garlic for its natural antiviral and antibacterial properties.

    * Add eucalyptus oil, which is naturally antibacterial, into a steam bath to soothe the respiratory passages and prevents secondary bacterial infections when you have a cold.

    * Echinacea can be taken at the first sign of a cold to assist with symptoms.

    * Ginger is excellent for motion sickness, nausea and has beneficial anti-inflammatory effects


if you can't have a steam bath, you can put eucalyptus oil in a nebulizer.  i actually put some in my facial sauna.  it is very soothing.

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